Last night I slept magnificently. I’m awake and laying in bed, still too relaxed to rise up. But I am inspired and when my creative juices begin to flow, I HAVE TO get up, get moving and share my wisdom. Trust me, I would rather continue laying in my bed cause I’m so freaking relaxed. If only you understood this level of relaxation…
If I didn’t know better I’d think someone poured some extremely good quality CBD oil under my tongue while I was sleeping, but I know for a fact that what I’m feeling right now, has been suppressed by the ionic magnesium, that I drank before bed. When you want to get angry, but your body and mind just won’t allow you to, you know you have mastered another level.

I thought about going live on my Facebook page, but I might get a bit too passionate and say a bit too much and get censored. My goal is to do my part in healing the nation, naturally, without adverse side effects. There is so much in me, I might just explode, so I’m gonna keep this information where I have a bit more control over my body and the expletives that may slip out during a live video.
Trying to find the cure?
The other day I was flipping through the TV channels to find Two and a Half Men, which is one of my favorite comedies. I love Charlie and Allen and I find their antics super healing.
Who wants to watch the damn depressing news everyday anyway? Laughter is the best medicine and I get it in as much as I possibly can.
While searching through the channels, I heard how they are ‘trying to find” a cure for COVID19. And I felt as if I just wanted to fight the TV. Every time I hear this “trying to find a cure” nonsense, it hurts me to the core of my soul.
Why? Because I have kured so many of the health issues that I have had; that my family had and I am still a beast at using common sense and holistic practices to determine how we heal; and I have had great success without prescription medication and without the help of “medical professionals.”
The cure is in nature
I’ve recently kured a health issue that someone had, by simply nourishing with nature and incorporating nutraceuticals/natural remedies, and I refuse to even discuss it on social media. I wanted to document this persons journey so badly but their health condition was not a good look.
Had I televised it, I would have definitely gotten lashback because I didn’t ‘run to the doctor’. From the outside looking in, the average person would have ran to the doctor, but Angeline Temple is far from being average. And guess what? I reversed the health condition in less than a month. It took literally just a few days to notice improvements. The worst part: I still see people walking around with this same condition… for years.

Back to the so called chemical cure: I’m not even going to mention the name of this company who promised “the cure” because they already gave a multitude of people cancer with their products and have had multiple lawsuits over the years.
This kind of madness does piss me off because I am tired of them ‘trying to find” a cure. The cure is in plain sight and has always been it plain sight. The cure isn’t hiding. Look around you. The cure is everywhere. The cure is in nature.
Your Body is designed to heal itself
Even though millions of people around the world have reversed cancer, by nourishing with nature and various healing modalities that do NOT include western medicine; they are still ‘trying to find’ a cure. Really? GTFOH! And I’m supposed to wait for the government to “find a cure” for COVID19? Really? With all their lab experiments with long lists of side effects? Are they ever going to integrate holistic medicine and provide civilians with an opportunity to choose how they want to heal themselves and their families without penalties?
When I became aware that all I had to do to reverse all the chronic health issues that plagued me for years, was strengthen my immune system. It was a done deal for me. If anyone is going to guinea pig my body, it is going to be me!
What ticks me off, is that the fear and propaganda induced creates so much confusion and humans become so desperate and gullible, that they believe anything; trust the government in its entirety and get sucked into this so-called promise of “the cure”, not realizing that the power and healing lies within. Yes your body is designed to heal itself.
Did they mention how many people have survived COVID19?
NO! All they do is talk about how many CASES and how many DEATHS. Now, I want you to do the math yourself. The next time you decide to tune in to the news, pay attention to the amount of CASES globally, compared to the amount of DEATHS globally, or you can compute it for your country or state. There is a huge gap! Now I’m not saying that people aren’t dying. What I’m saying is that the SURVIVAL RATE is far greater than the DEATH RATE. However, the emphasis is not on the survival rate cause they want to keep your focus on the death rate, so when they launch the so called “cure” or vaccine, you all will be lined up believing they are your Lord and Savior. Then a few years from now, that same vaccine may have a female growing 10 testicles and a penis and vice versa for males; and then get recalled.
Aren’t you just tired of these pharmaceuticals getting recalled?

Stop waiting for the government to save you! Save yourself!
If you didn’t care anything about your health, I hope this pandemic has inspired you to become the CEO of your health. Look around you. Who are the ones that are dying? It’s the people with serious underlying medical conditions. It doesn’t matter what age you are. Boost your immune system and reclaim your health so that no one has to put you in a “sick care lottery” to determine if your life is worthy of saving.
When this blows over, continue to respect and honor your health, so that when they decide to play God again, you know that your immune system will be strong enough to protect you.
Food is medicine
Taking medication for the rest of your life is daunting and does more harm than good in the long run. Heal yourself with foods from the earth.
My juice ebook “Nourish With Nature” is loaded with healing foods, such as leaf of life which is renowned for breaking up mucus and bronchial issues naturally. If you live in the islands or warm climate, leaf of life is all around you. Food is Medicine and medicine is all around you in its natural form.
Stop that cough in its track now!
Stop that cough in its track and shut it up now with mullein extract or mullein leaves. Incorporate ginger and fire foods to assist with killing that virus. There are many holistic practices that you can implement at home. I discussed a few of them in my previous blog post here.
Unless you are having trouble breathing, I would not advise anyone to go to a hospital right now cause if you had not contracted COVID19, you have just increased your risk of becoming a positive case. Emergency rooms are for emergencies only. Do you have an emergency? If not, STAY HOME and calm yourself down.
Do you need some of the ionic magnesium that made me sleep like a baby, to relax your nerves? The entire world is damn near deficient in magnesium and we would all benefit from it greatly. Keep in mind that all magnesium products are not created equally, so please do not run to the store and buy one that is of a lesser quality. If you would like to invest in the ionic magnesium that I use and recommend, you can get it here. You can find other nutraceuticals and lifestyle essentials that I use, here.
I think I’ve gotten enough off my chest for one day. I still have lots more to say, but until then…
Be blessed.
What steps have you taken to become the CEO of your health?