Strengthen your weakened immune system
in as little as 7 days
Dear people with underlying health conditions or anyone who simply wants to strengthen their weakened immune system.
Are you tired of watching all the negativity on the TV and Social Media about this virus every single day?
Are you tired of the fear that they put in you, that makes you feel as if you may lose your life any minute now? THIS IS FOR YOU.
Do they have you washing your hands until your skin peels? THIS IS FOR YOU.
Are you afraid to step outside of your home in fear that you may be infected with this virus? THIS IS FOR YOU.
Are you scared to death and don’t know what to do, where to turn or who to believe? THIS IS FOR YOU.
And what about the additional fear of not having antibodies and the chances of being re-infected because you lack antibodies? THIS IS FOR YOU.
If you have answered yes to any of these questions, then THIS IS DEFINITELY FOR YOU!
Prescription Medications weaken your immune system
Do you want to conquer this virus or what?
Do you want to be a part of the death rate or survival rate?

The same pharmaceuticals that were designed and prescribed for your health condition are the same ones that have weakened your immune system, putting you at high risk for the virus.
You can definitely do something about it!
When you Nourish With Nature, you may reverse health conditions naturally and reduce the need for prescription medications.

Are you afraid they may not save your life because you have an underlying health condition
Hi, I’m Angeline Temple, A certified, holistic health coach, chef, author and speaker.
In 2004, I was diagnosed with ductal carcinoma in situ (breast cancer). I was tired of the doctors trying to guinea pig me with medications that only caused more adverse reaction, so I made the decision to became the CEO Of My Health.
Once I adopted a holistic lifestyle, I discovered that all I had to do to STRENGTHEN MY IMMUNE SYSTEM and to keep ALL diseases away from my TEMPLE was to NOURISH WITH NATURE.
How many years have I been thriving since 2004? You do the math. I don’t fall prey to dis-eases and I sure DON’T FEAR dis-eases or global pandemics because I NOURISH WITH NATURE.
Eating foods from the earth has been proven to increase optimal health at the cellular level, to bring your body back into balance.
How do I Nourish With Nature? I am a avid juicer who also loves herbal teas because they are healing.
REAL FOODS FROM THE EARTH are nutrient dense and consuming them daily allows your body to build antibodies that are necessary to fight any infections or viruses that decides to invade your body.
Am I afraid of this virus? HECK NO!
And you shouldn’t be afraid either.
But I know you are afraid and this is why I want to help you. I want you to thrive, not just survive.
This is why I am sharing over 60 of my favorite juices, smoothies and herbal teas, that I used to transform my health, in my juice ebook Nourish With Nature.

Your body naturally builds antibodies when you Strengthen Your immune system

here's What you get
Nourish With Nature has over 60 juices, smoothies and herbal teas which helps to strengthen your immune system.
Within 7 days of consuming any of these recipes, at least 3 times per day, you will begin to notice the transformation.

Expel unwanted Mucus
Discover the secret plant that breaks up mucus and bronchial issues.
Reduce or eliminate the need for pharmaceuticals
Once your health condition is reversed, your primary care physician will have no choice but to reduce or completely wean you off of your medications.
That’s the power of a strengthened immune system!
The virus attacks individuals who have a weakened immune system
it doesn't matter if you are a doctor, lawyer, Indian or Chief
Regardless of your age, nationality or religion

If you are on antibiotics or recently taken antibiotics, you have a weakened immune system.
If you are eating a SAD (Standard American Diet) which includes but is not limited to, burgers, french fries and sodas everyday, you have a weakened immune system
If you are receiving chemotherapy, you have a weakened immune system.
If you are constipated, you have a weakened immune system.
If you are taking prescription medication, you have a weakened immune system.
If you are an organ transplant recipient, you have a weakened immune system.
If you have gut related issues, you have a weakened immune system.
If you have other underlying health conditions which includes but is not limited to High blood pressure, diabetes, Asthma, COPD, emphysema, HIV, you have a weakened immune system.
save yourself!
The survival rate is far greater than the death rate. Stop waiting for them to save you and SAVE YOURSELF. Trust me, it is not as difficult or daunting as they make it seem. The power lies within you!
Now is not the time for fast food or processed food loaded with chemicals and preservatives that weaken your immune system.
Now is not the time to panic or worry. Your emotions have everything to do with your health. Negative emotions will lower your immune system as well.
Put on your big girl panties or your big boy boots and lets do this!
Reclaim your health

build antibodies
When you Nourish With Nature you naturally increase your white blood cell count AND your body’s ability to build antibodies. It’s that simple.

increase survival rate
Don’t get left behind because they didn’t think your life was worthy of being saved.
Nourish With Nature daily.

strenthen your immunity
Juice it. Blend it. Eat it.
Having the virus does not mean you are going to die but if you have a weakened immune system, it increases your chances of death.