With all the pandemic surrounding the corona virus, I had no other choice but to add my insight and share my wisdom with you. What I have noticed is that the panic that is set in, far supercedes the CORONA VIRUS itself.

Did You Know...

More people die from the average FLU each year than those affected by the corona virus. 

CDC estimates that influenza has resulted in between 9 million – 45 million illnesses, between 140,000 – 810,000 hospitalizations and between 12,000 – 61,000 deaths annually since 2010. 

The same attitude that I have towards Cancer, is the same attitude that I have towards COVID19

Cancer has NO power over me and neither does the corona virus!

I AM NOT AFRAID because I KNOW that my body is an incredible machine that is always working on my behalf to protect me, as in (fight virus, bacteria, pathogens). And as long as I provide my TEMPLE with the proper environment where diseases can NOT thrive. I AM SAFE AND ALL IS WELL.  

I REFUSE TO BE DRIVEN BY FEAR in an economy that thrives/profits on sickness of their civilians.  

How do I Protect myself from all viruses?

I NOURISH WITH NATURE. I overdose on live foods. I am not diet specific.  I make it my point of duty to eat foods from the earth and drink all the juices, smoothies and herbal teas from my juice eBook NOURISH WITH NATURE

This “richtual” of juicing and blending the foods that nature provides serves my TEMPLE in such a manner that is incomparable to  pharmaceutical and without the adverse side effects.

Now I’m not saying that you shouldn’t wash your hands or sanitize your surroundings. However these are common sanitary precautions that we should have been practicing since birth.  

I for one, have been washing my hands religiously from the beginning of time. I am highly domesticated and my surrounding has to be organized, otherwise I cannot function or be productive. I am known to keep a pretty clean and pristine, magazine home.

So, all the hype with the washing of hands seems kinda weird to me, because, in my opinion this should have been normal and customary practice globally. This has been my reality in my entire life, so please forgive me for thinking that others should be doing the same.

I am so OCD with the hand washing, that if I stop to pump gas, I will not touch any food, until I am able to wash my hands. I usually rip a piece of paper towel to hold the gas pump. Matter of fact, I usually have a bottle of Dr. Bonner’s  Soap and a gallon of water in my truck, along with a roll of paper towels, to wash my hands if I need to. 

I am not a hand sanitizer person, because most of them contains triclosan which weakens the immune system and is known to cause other health issues. I am a firm believer of hydrogen peroxide. Yes I am! 

Needless to say,  I’m happy that everyone is now washing their hands  and disinfecting everything, but that is not enough…

What you need to do is…

strengthen your immunity

As with any other disease, if you have a weakened immune system, you are creating an environment for these dis-eases to thrive. Therefore it is imperative that you strengthen your immune system and enable it to  fight for you.

What do we know so far?

The majority of the people who have died from COVID19 are elderly.

Which category of elderly? Those with underlying medical conditions, hence the weakened immune systems. 

Why do they have weakened immune system? Because they have other underlying medical conditions. 

Can you see how they go hand in hand?

This is why I urge you to NOURISH WITH NATURE

Now is not the time to be eating crappy food. 

Now is not the time to be buying fast food. 


As a holistic health coach, I invest in holistic remedies for myself and family.

As I explained in the video above,  one of my favorites holistic essentials to boost immunity is colloidal silver.  I don’t wait for a pandemic to use it. You can find it in the immunity boost section here.

What are some of your best practices to strengthen your immunity?

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