
Three Month Program


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Three Month Program


Listen To Your Body!

This program allows you to notice the dynamic changes to your body.

Includes all healing modalities and strategies in the ONE MONTH package….AND MORE!

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This program allows you to notice the dynamic changes to your body.

Includes all healing modalities and strategies in the ONE MONTH package….PLUS

Ongoing analysis of your eating and lifestyle with recommended adjustments to achieve optimal health.

Become in tune with your body.

Discover the foods and habits that are holding you back.

Conquer your cravings!

Develop healthy eating habits.

Create d’luscious healthy meals without sacrificing flavors.

Ongoing guidance and motivation.

Six (1) hour coaching session  via phone or Skype allows us to reconnect, review your goals,  discuss what is working, what is challenging and make the necessary adjustments.


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